Courtney Zhu joins Intus Care as Client Success Lead

Intus Care

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Intus Care welcomes Courtney Zhu as the organization's client success lead. Courtney has deep expertise guiding value-based organizations with data-driven insights to inform business decisions. In her previous role at Accorded, an actuarial intelligence company focused on value-based care, she worked hand-in-hand with digital health and specialty providers to contract around value. She also conducted a research investigation focused on value-based care in China, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, during her time as a Schwarzman Scholar.

Courtney's goal is to ensure that Intus Care's client success function continues to meet and exceed the evolving needs of PACE organizations through technology and hands-on human support—which is, ultimately, all in service of ensuring best-in-class care for its participants. "I was pulled by the mission of Intus Care—and the way in which the team embodies those core values—to better serve a historically vulnerable patient population: dual-eligibles. It's really energizing to see a fully integrated care delivery model like PACE looking after participants with dignity, respect and whole-person care. I'm excited to gain a stronger understanding of the clinical operations and care coordination that underpin PACE programs and help them succeed.”

Most of all, Courtney believes in the future of PACE. "There are about 70,000 participants enrolled in PACE today. Compare that with the 12.5M dual-eligibles nationally, a majority of whom require long-term care, there's a huge gap to fill. I'm optimistic that Intus Care can and will play a meaningful role in scaling this type of comprehensive care delivery model that provides care to older adults the right way.”

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