Jennifer Kaminsky Joins Intus Care as a Senior Analyst on the Integrated Care Services Team

Intus Care

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Intus Care welcomes Jennifer Kaminsky, LCSW, MBA, and certified diversity professional, as a senior analyst on the Integrated Care Services team. Jennifer has deep background and experience in elderly care and specifically Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), including serving as executive director and vice president of Suncoast PACE, which is a member of Empath Health.

In her role at Intus Care, Jennifer’s goal is to provide guidance, recommendations, and insights for PACE programs to help them meet and exceed participants’ expectations. She will use her experience as executive director and leader of a PACE organization combined with the Intus Care platform to help clients succeed. “Intus Care has brought new and innovative ways for PACE programs to anticipate the care needs of their participants.”

Most of all, Jennifer looks forward to partnering with Intus Care’s clients to reach their goals. “I enjoy working with PACE organizations to not only help identify areas of opportunities, but to also identify areas where they shine. In both circumstances, I find joy in walking the path with the PACE program as they achieve new successes in their performance which translates to optimal participant care.” - Jennifer Kaminsky

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