NPA’s President and CEO Shawn Bloom argues for expansion of PACE to improve eldercare in Modern Healthcare

Intus Care

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Last week, Modern Healthcare published an article written by the National PACE Association President and CEO Shawn Bloom about Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and why they should be expanded to improve eldercare across the country. Experts and think tanks “have cited PACE as a potential solution for the nation’s eldercare crisis which will only worsen as baby boomers continue to flood the aging and nursing services infrastructure,” Bloom said.

At Intus Care, we strongly agree with the points Bloom outlines for the benefits of PACE as well as some of the current hurdles that programs face to establish new programs or expand.

First, Bloom shares some of the benefits of PACE:

  • The model creates an incentive to keep participants healthy.
  • Participants receive transportation to the program’s PACE center to visit a doctor, participate in therapy, get medications, and socialize with other participants.
  • Participants are able to remain at home and in their communities thanks to the transportation provided to necessary services.
  • Studies find participants have a higher quality of life and improved health outcomes.
  • PACE’s funding model has financial advantages.

Despite the benefits, Bloom shares that there are only 155 PACE programs nationwide in 32 states and D.C. He argues – and we at Intus Care agree – that PACE should be available in all states, serving thousands more older Americans.  

But, as Bloom states, there are financial and regulatory barriers that make starting and expanding PACE programs difficult. “If those barriers were removed – and it would not necessarily cost additional tax dollars to remove them – PACE would become more mainstream, accepted, and affordable option for our elderly and their families.”

Read the article on Modern Healthcare.

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