PACE of the Month Customer Highlight: PACE of the Southern Piedmont

Intus Care

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Intus Care proudly presents the inaugural edition of our "PACE of the Month Customer Highlight," an exclusive showcase of the accomplishments of our esteemed partner PACE organizations.

Kicking off this exciting series, we shine a spotlight on PACE of the Southern Piedmont, a beacon of excellence serving participants in three counties within the Charlotte, North Carolina area. This organization, fueled by an unwavering commitment to innovation and quality patient care, set out to redefine their Falls Committee and revolutionize their approach to falls prevention.

With a shared vision of enhancing the well-being and independence of their participants, PACE of the Southern Piedmont joined forces with us to harness the power of cutting-edge data analytics. Together, we embarked on a mission to empower their team with actionable insights, enabling them to adopt a proactive and efficient approach to care.

Through their Falls Improvement Initiative, PACE of the Southern Piedmont achieved inspiring results. Over a mere six-month period, they witnessed an impressive 33% decrease in falls among their participants. This astounding accomplishment not only speaks volumes about their unwavering dedication but also serves as a testament to the transformative potential of data-driven healthcare.

Read the case study to learn more about PACE of the Southern Piedmont’s forward-thinking approach, and the dynamic partnership we’ve formed to enhance the health and safety of their participants.

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