Stephanie Rock Joins Intus Care as Vice President of Product

Intus Care

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Static and dynamic content editing

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Intus Care is thrilled to welcome Stephanie Rock as the new Vice President of Product. With a proven track record and a passion for driving innovation, Stephanie brings a wealth of experience to our team. Most recently, Stephanie served in advancing roles at Oak Street Health, an innovative value-based network of primary care centers for adults on Medicare, with her most recent role being Vice President of Technical Product.

In this role, Stephanie will lead Intus Care’s product and design teams to ensure our products meet the needs of the company’s current and future partners, working with the rest of the leadership team to set the strategy and vision for the company’s technology offerings.

“I am excited to join the Intus Care team and support its mission to drive data driven change in achieving high-value, multidisciplinary care for older adults,” Stephanie said. “As the population in the U.S. ages, value-based care programs like PACE will become even more important to help loved ones, friends, and families age with grace and dignity. I’m excited to continue supporting this transformative work that drives positive outcomes for patients.”

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