Monthly State of PACE Metrics: Falls in June 2023

Intus Care

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For PACE programs, preventing and reducing falls is critical to keep participants safe, healthy, and in the home. Falls represent a significant utilization management priority, and PACE proves to perform better in managing falls as outlined below.  

Starting in April 2023, Intus Care began tracking key metrics aggregated from over 45+ PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) programs across 16 states that we proudly partner with on software and services. Falls is one of the metrics Intus Care tracks and analyzes for partnered programs.

In June 2023, partnered programs saw 8.91 falls per 100MM – with the most frequent day being Monday and the most common location coming from the bedroom; in June, 18% of all falls in our PACE partners occurred in the bedroom.  

New this month, Intus Care aggregated percentage of participants with NO falls in the past year: 65% (35% experienced at least one fall), and only 4% of all falls across resulted in Major Harm or worse. According to the American Geriatrics Society, 35-45% of community-dwelling adults 65+ report a fall every year, of which 20% seek immediate medical attention due to the fall, with 5-10% resulting in a serious injury.  

These outcomes represent the effectiveness of the PACE model paired with real-time data analytics to reduce the number and severity of falls. In the more complex population of PACE, only 35% of participants experienced a fall over the past year compared to the 35%-45% benchmark set by the American Geriatrics Society.  

Additionally, in PACE, only 4% of all falls resulted in Major harm or worse, compared to the 5-10% benchmark set by the ASG.  

To learn more about our PACE Metrics and see key results from April, May, and June: Check out our blog.

Want to learn more about how Intus Care can support your utilization management needs using data analytics and expert consultation? Reach out today!

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