Monthly State of PACE Metrics: Inpatient Admissions in June 2023

Intus Care

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With the goal of PACE programs to keep participants healthy and happy at home, a key quality metric is inpatient admissions. While hospital admissions are often unavoidable in complex populations, PACE programs strive to reduce unnecessary admissions and severity through preventative methods.

Starting in April 2023, Intus Care began tracking key metrics aggregated from over 45+ PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) programs across 16 states that we proudly partner with on software and services. Inpatient admissions are one of the metrics Intus Care tracks and analyzes for partnered programs.

In June 2023, partnered programs experienced 4.11 inpatient admissions per 100MM, down from both May and April that saw rates of 4.48 and 4.6 respectively. In June, the most common day for admission was Monday as compared to Tuesday in May and Saturday in April. In June, the most common admitting diagnosis for men was pneumonia and for women acute renal failure.  

New this month, Intus Care tracked a new metric related to inpatient admissions: Average Length-of-Stay (ALOS). Partnered PACE programs saw an ALOS in June of 5.03. This metric represents the PACE model’s quality when compared to ALOS metrics for other dually enrolled beneficiaries. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found dually enrolled beneficiaries had a longer hospital length of stay with a mean of 6.1 days in 2004 and 5.7 days in 2017.  

These outcomes represent effectiveness of the PACE model paired with real-time data analytics to reduce length of stay for the most complex populations, as just last month the PACE difference represented an ALOS rate 15% lower than other dually enrolled beneficiaries.

To learn more about our PACE Metrics and see key results from April, May, and June: Check out our blog.

Want to learn more about how Intus Care can support your utilization management needs using data analytics and expert consultation? Reach out today!

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